See how Refido can increase your Reviews!
It's elegantly simple!
Step 1:
Setup your account and select what reviews you want to increase!
You can pick from all sorts of review platforms from all over the world. Whether you want to be higher on trip advisor for you hotel or restaurant or maybe top of yell for your handyman or repair services.
Refido does not have any connections with any review platforms including the ones on this site. We are simply software to help you collect your reviews
Step 2:
Present a tablet or mobile to your customer with our app on.
It's really important to get your customer to write a review while they've just received a service from you. It catches them there and then so will help increase the chance of you getting a review.
Step 3:
The customer completes a quick rating of your service.
We simply collect name, email, phone and a rating out of 10.
Step 4:
Our intelligent system decides what to do next.
Our intelligent programmatic system picks what to do next depending on what answer the customer has given.
If your customer gives a low rating
We direct the customer to an internal review page, this allows the customer to vent about any issues. The review is then sent directly to management and not publicised, protecting your online brand.
If they give you a medium rating
You can pick what happens with medium reviews. We can direct them to you personally, to an internal review page or to any online review platform. You choose!
If they give you a high rating
At this point, all customers are directed to the review platform of your choice. If they've already selected a high review rating on the Refido platform, the chances are when directed to your chosen review platform they'll leave you a great review.